

  1. University of California Irvine

    2021 - Present

    PhD in Computer Science

  2. University of Hawaii at Manoa

    2018 - 2021

    President of the Algorithms Club for 2 years

    BS in Computer Science


  1. UCI: Teaching Assistant

    2021 - Present
    • Develop and lead lesson plans for weekly classes for better understanding of algorithms
    • Effectively communicate topics in Computer Science ranging various algorithms
    • Provide office hours for one on one interactions with students to develop their understanding of concepts taught in class
  2. UH: Undergraduate Research Assistant

    2020 - 2021
    • Recreated results of Ben Karsin’s dissertation that proposed a model for estimating the time a parallel algorithm would take on a GPU
    • Designed and implemented a microbenchmarking algorithm to find the latency and throughput of a GPU based on the dissertation
    • Made design choices and improvements in order to ensure accurate benchmarks and data was being gathered
  3. Raytheon: Sophmore Software Engineering Intern

    Summer 2019
    • Developed software capable of communicating with simulated systems using a subscriber/publisher model
    • Enhanced a program capable of taking in binary messages and outputting the deciphered messages in a JSON format
    • Designed a GUI in Tkinter to present binary information in a user friendly format


  • Python
  • C++
  • Cuda
  • Unix