CompSci 260P: Week 1

Dynamic Programming

Ryuto Kitagawa

Dynamic Programming Fundamentals

  • Dynamic Programming relies on recursion
  • The 3 fundamental parts of Dynamic Programming are:
    • Recursion
    • Memoization
    • Backtracking
  • This takes time to understand!

Recursion Fundamentals

  • Make the problem smaller in some way
    • What that means depends on the problem!
  • Pass the smaller problem to the recursive function
    • Assume output here is correct!
  • Use these two tools to construct the solution
  • Don't forget the base case!

Memoization Fundamentals

  • Don't repeat computations more than once
    • Save previous problem solutions!
  • How do you identify the state of a problem?

Backtracking Fundamentals

  • Once we have the memo table, we see how the table is filled
  • We can take the recursive call out by following the order of the table

0-1 Knapsack Problem

  • A backpack can carry weight
  • There is set of items to take
  • Each item has a weight and benefit value
  • Goal: select a subset of the items such that
    • Total weight is at most
    • Maximizing total benefit of the items.

Problem Example

  • Solution:

Recursive Solution

  • We have 2 inputs we can modify: and
    • We will ignore for now
  • A smaller problem is either smaller or smaller
  • We can more reliably shrink !

Recursive Solution

  • How should we get rid of an element?
    • Make a decision with the element
  • Now that we have a smaller problem, what do we do?
    • Make a recursive call!

Recursive Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if False:
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, ?, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, ?, n - 1)

return None # Not done yet

Recursive Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if False:
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return None # Not done yet

Recursive Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if False:
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return max(include, not_include)

Recursive Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if W == 0 or n == 0:
    return 0
if S[0].w > W:
    return KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return max(include, not_include)

Memoization Solution

  • Which values are changing in the KnapSack problem?
    • and
  • What is a major problem with our current solution?
    • Redoing calculations!
    • Same input = Same output!
  • We want to have a table keep track of calculations we already did!

Memoization Solution

  • What is the range of in our algorithm?
    • Smallest: 0
    • Largest:
  • What is the range of in our algorithm?
    • Smallest: 0
    • Largest:
  • A table of size can keep track of every possible answer!

Memoization Solution

memo = Matrix(W, n)
def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if W == 0 or n == 0:
    return 0
if S[0].w > W:
    return KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return max(include, not_include)

Memoization Solution

memo = Matrix(W, n)
def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if W == 0 or n == 0:
    return 0
if memo[W][n] != None:
        return memo[W][n]
if S[0].w > W:
    return KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return max(include, not_include)

Memoization Solution

memo = Matrix(W, n)
def KnapSack(S, W, n):
# Base Case
if W == 0 or n == 0:
    return 0
if memo[W][n] != None:
        return memo[W][n]
if S[0].w > W:
    return memo[W][n] := KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)
# Recursive Step
include = KnapSack(S, W - S[n - 1].w, n - 1) + S[0].b
not_include = KnapSack(S, W, n - 1)

return memo[W][n] := max(include, not_include)

Backtracking Solution


Backtracking Solution


Backtracking Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, N):
    memo = Matrix(W, n)
    for n in range(1, N + 1):
        for w in range(1, W + 1):

Backtracking Solution

def KnapSack(S, W, N):
    memo = Matrix(W, n)
    for n in range(1, N + 1):
        for w in range(1, W + 1):
            if S[n].w > W:
                memo[w][n] = memo[W][n - 1]
                include = memo[w - S[n - 1].w][n - 1] + S[n - 1].b
                not_include = memo[w][n - 1]
                memo[w][n] = max(include, not_include)
    return memo[N][W]

Homework Assignment

  • There are two homework types: easy and hard
  • Points for homework : and
  • Doing hard homework requires not doing the previous assignment
  • What is the largest number of points you can get?

Problem Example

  • Solution:

Recursive Solution

  • We have 1 input we can modify:
    • Similar to last time, we are ignoring the set and
  • Making the problem smaller means making smaller
  • We can shrink with a similar strategy to the Knapsack problem

Recursive Solution

  • How do we make this problem smaller?
  • How do we then combine the solutions?

Recursive Solution

def Homework(e, h, n): # Not enough parameters!
# Base Case
if False:
# Recursive Step

return None # Not done yet

Recursive Solution

def Homework(e, h, n, rested):
# Base Case
if n == 0:
    return 0
# Recursive Step
nothing = Homework(e, h, n - 1, True)
easy = e[n - 1] + Homework(e, h, n - 1, False)
hard = h[n - 1] + Homework(e, h, n - 1, False) if rested else 0

return max(nothing, easy, hard) # Not done yet

Backtracking Solution

def Homework(e, h, n):
    memo = Matrix(n, 2)
    for i in range(n):
        for rested in range(2):
            nothing = memo[i - 1][1]
            easy = e[n - 1] + memo[i - 1][0]
            hard = h[n - 1] + memo[n - 1][0] if rested else 0